a story about starfish.
One day there was a massive storm on a beach, and thousands of starfish were beached. Dying in the hot sun, they were destined to die.
Seeing this, a young boy, one by one, would return the dying starfish to the edge of the waves. An older man passing him on a walk leaned down and said:
“Young man, it’s impossible for you to save all these starfish - it doesn’t matter.”
The young boy picked up his next starfish, threw it into the ocean and said,
“it matters to this one.”
Humans are like those starfish.
There will always be those in pain, and it’s best if we help others one by one by first helping ourselves. As we take the time to be still, we become more self-aware. As we become more aware of how we relate to ourselves and others, we see opportunities where we can love ourselves better. As we love ourselves more, we naturally and effortlessly share that love with others.